Apply for Admission
We are currently accepting applications for Grades Kindergarten through 9th grades for the 2024-2025 academic year. Email: learning@edccenterforlearning.com.
Discover our School
EDC was established in 2001. The vision for the school was birthed from the mind of God in the heart of the late Dr. Jeannette C. Holmes-Vann, the Pastor and Founder of Hope Chapel Ministries, Inc. The school was built in the interest of training boys and girls for their future as adults who adhere to the tenants of morality and patriotism for the betterment of home, church, workplace, and society.

Martin Luther King Birthday (Holiday)
Our school will celebrate MLK day on Monday, January 15th. School will be close in honor of this observance.
EDC Celebrates National School Choice Week
EDC Would like to invite you to be a part of our Open House and Educator’s Forum on Thursday, January 25, 2024
President’s Day (School Holiday)
“Education is the passport to the future, for tomorrow belongs to those who prepare for it today.”
Founder’s Day at EDC
You are Invited to celebrate Founder’s Day with the students, teachers and administrators of EDC.