Welcome to My Awesome Website

My Favorites

What I Like

I have many things that I like, I like watching sports, playing, games, and moving my body. The way I work is energetic, I have lots of energy throughout any time of the day. Sometimes its like 3-4 A.M. and I want/could run 1 mile without stopping for some reason. I also like watching youtube and roblox videos because I grew up with roblox since I was like 5 or in 2014-2016. And yet people still ask/say why do you still play roblox if its dead. It's not a dead game there's over 1 billion people playing and it's still and forever will be my forever favorite to-go game. Here are some videos I don't know why I like them:

I also like horror games or silly stupid goofy games that involve fighting and lots of funny and stupid physics which will make you laugh so hard at the game. My favorite roblox game is Jujutsu Shenanigans! Or the strongest battlegrounds!